Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Dont Care

Yeah , tak tidur sebab fikir pasal dia je . Wait he wake up and text me even i know he wont text me if i didnt start . So , at 10am pinjam handphone nia and text him . I told he that i miss him . Pagi2 lagi dah buat mood dia rosak . Salah aku lagi kan ? He tell me that he got to go to work so kitaorang stop texting . Lepas stop text tu baru aku tidur . Ye , aku kena text and ask about him first baru aku boleh tidur .

At 5pm like that , bangun dengan terkejut sebab dapat bad dream . Ambik handphone nia , tukar simcard and text him . I just sent ' Bie :( ' .. dia tak reply tapi dia call .

him : awat ?
me : takde apa ..
him : nangis ke ?
me : takde lah .
him : baru bangun tidur ea ?
me : ha'a :(

and bla bla bla i forgot .. tapi cakap kejap je sebab dia belum habis kerja lagi .

him : satgi call len k ?
me : ok
him : bye
me : bye .

After dia letak , tiba2 aku menangis . Aku tak tahu kenapa senang sangat aku menangis pasal dia . Sumpah aku rindu dia sangat :'(

Aku off phone and ask naim to get my handphone kat kedai . Nasib baik la bayar servis 10ringgit je . Bukan rosak teruk pun , aku je yang menggelabah teruk . Choii =='' .Text him and i tell him that i got my handphone already then dia cakap lepas habis dia kerja , he will text me . After that , aku sambung tidur balik .


And i have a bad dream again ! what the pffftttt .. bila fikir2 pasal mimpi tu memang bengang gila . Bangun je nak marah2 . Dapat text from him lagi buat aku bengang dengan dia sebab mimpi tu ada kaitan dengan dia . So , aku macam nak merajuk la dengan dia . i thought he gonna ask me what happen . Alih2 dia pergi bukak topik pasal break ? Lagi lah bengang .. Gila berdebat masa tu and lastly after he likes takes serious what he say about break , i told him that i need him :')

Chat dengan Miera , she ask me about Mierul . Did he still angry with her . She ask me to talk with him . Masa tu dia tak sengaja cakap kasar dengan Mierul . She not in mood . Miera , know what .. Lain kali u should understand him . He always take serious whatever we told him . Especially that thing memang benda yang bukan boleh dibuat bergurau :)

p/s : poor my boyfriend , he got headache and cant text with me tonight :'( . im really miss him .