Wednesday, November 10, 2010

God , Im tired ..

Apa perasaan korang kalau dari dulu lagi kita ni dijadikan tak ubah macam hamba , orang layan kita macam takde perasaan . Orang buat kita macam tuggul .. Dari kecik sampai la dewasa tak habis2 kita ni tempat diaorang lepaskan marah.. Tapi yang kita mampu , diam je .. Bila melawan , orang cakap kita kurang ajar .. and lastly we're alone and menangis diam2 . Orang tak tahu perasaan kita .. dia selalu salahkan kita.. Diaorang tak tahu yang kita penat . Kita yang selalu mengalah ..

Im alone , im just need someone who can make me happy just for once .. im really tired when think about what happen around me . I try to be strong , try not to cry when someone hurt my feeling but i cant because thats the only way i can calm my feeling and let everything inside go away ..i try to hold inside all the feelings that i had to hide .

i apologize for all the time i make u angry and it hurts inside when u start ignore me , now im all alone , im watching all the time passes by , baby tell me why do you ignoring me im lonely by myself with nobody on my side so this is the reason why i always crying . Didnt want make u mad , didnt want make u sad , if i ever make u mad then i would feel sad ...

Choo tell me apa yang Mierul cakap kat dia about me , thanks bie .. I know u love me like i do ;)