Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Calm Down =.=''

Kita gaduh lagi kan ? Like i say , bukan tak ambik serious la .. aku mintak maaf sebab tak jawab soalan kau tu . That time im busy but u know my answer already right ? Kenapa marah sangat ? See , kan dah gentle post kat wall . HAHA , but u still didnt trust me , still ask me to find another boy . I swear , i dont want anyone else except u la idiot ! i really wanna together with u . I wish that we can be together untill the end of my life . I mean it .. Jangan marah2 lagi dah . It makes me really sad u know .. really2 heart broken .

hmm , u dont like i really close with him right ? im so sorry sayang .. i love when u jealous , its so cute tahu . HAHA .. i thought u dont even have feeling . Thanks because make me smile back when i think u're gonna leave me .. I love when u angry then u will tell me everything that u feel inside , eh know what , if u useless .. u also no use for me la .. cause u not useless la , i need u in my life .. I promise no matter what happen , i wont leave u . Hold my word boleh kan ?

I've try to make u trust me that i dont have anyone in my life . I dont need anybody except u , i dont even text with anyone until u get the phone . Trust me , just once cant u ? i never get boring with u sayangg . Everyday , i feel like wanna hug , wanna kiss , wanna hold ur hand ..Seriously i cant wait our time ;)

Ouh babes , poor you .. i really wish that u and jiayee could be together back . U so nice .. i proud of u , i mean it . Just focus to your exam now .. haishoo .. after she saw that video also didnt even make her got feeling with u back ..

p/s : i want my bie , i want you sony ericsson ;(