Friday, October 22, 2010

Go Away Please

Story about my ex boyfriend ..

  • nak tanya boleh ?
  • ye ? kenape ?
  • bile kite couple ? dont tell me u forgot already ?
  • seriously i forgot the date . tapi klau tak silap bulan 8 , sebelum puasa . kenape ?
  • 15 august 2008 we couple . 6 monts before u move kajang and we met for the 1st time at 11 january 2009 .
  • ouhh .. u ingat ?
  • i told u . everything about us i will never forget :) . i think if kita tak putus , dah setahun lebih . hahaha
  • how come u remember ..
  • knape salah ke semua tu ? Hmm
and im not replying then he text again

  • andai engkau berduka , aku yg pertama disisi . andai engkau bahagia , aku kan terus berdoa semoga suatu masa pintu hatimu kan terbuka .. dan kita akan kembali bercinta lagi . aku akan kembali walau jalan berliku kernaku kekasihmu hingga ke akhir hayat .. cuba faham lirik ni betul2 .
then the next day .. he text me again and ask me ..

  • hmm . u , i nk tanya boleh ? u jawab dengan jujur
  • oke .. apa ?
  • u sayang i ? kalau tak , cakap tak . i tak kisah .
  • i sayang mirul sorang je .
  • ok. i got it .
  • why ?
  • what points u try to show me which day u sent me a pic
  • i nak cakap yang i simpan lg benda yang u suruh i simpan .
  • ok , nothing more to said . i syok sendiri .
  • u marah i ke ? u also ada SHE kan ?
  • nope . i tak marah . i happy sebab u ade orang sayang . terus terang i tak nak dia .
  • thanks u . u da cakap kat dia ke ?
  • nononononono.. :( . im very sad ok . very sad .
  • why ?
  • nothing
  • why ? cakap la
  • no one could understand me
  • what do u mean ? siape yang tak paham u ?
  • everyone
  • what do u want ?
  • what i want ? u pun tak boleh bagi .
  • apa ? bagitahu je la . at least i tahu .
  • i want pfffttt . lol
  • lol . serious la .
  • kalau betul ?
  • yela tu .
  • i want u
  • yea rite . tadi cakap nak tu ==''
  • and i know i'll never have even a chance to have u back
then i didnt reply it .

  • kenapa tak reply ?
  • entah ah .
  • i tak nak la mengharap kat orang . u tak rase macam mane pedihnya mengharap . jadi , u kena terus terang . so that , i'll forget u .
  • i mintak maaf . i sayang mirul sorang je .. and gentle i cakap no one can replace him
  • ok , easy for me . thanks :)
  • im really sorry .
  • no need . i deserve i . all hates me coz my cannot take good care of them .
thats the end of conversation about that . After he break up with his girlfriend .. i stop contact him . Even his msg i also dont reply because i really dissapointed with him . Know what , that girl really love him .. i'll not contact u anymore , fullstop .