Monday, October 11, 2010

Almost end

Gila la kan ? Lately kita gadoh je , and then because of that stupid mistake yang aku buat , i almost lost you right ? Im so stupid , seriously i damn stupid cause make u hurt but sayang please dont ask me to leave you , its not your fault . Aku tahu aku salah , aku bodoh sebab tak pernah appreciate kau , tak pernah fikir perasaan kau . Gentle aku cakap , aku sayang kau sangat .. Aku janji benda ni tak lama je lagi . Please just be patient .. i also tired macam ni tahu tak . Everyday i think about our relationship . Aku takot fikir end of our story cause i dont want that thing happen . Kau sendiri cakap kau tak nak relationship kita sia2 kan ? Dah 5 bulan ... Its to worth for me . Kau cakap nak jaga relationship kita baik2 kan ? Aku mintak maaf sebab i ruined everything ..

Budak , listen here .. If anything happen to you Hani Zuhairah will still go crazy tahu no matter what happen sebab this girl are loving you as long you keep love her . So , please .. i begging .. take care of yourself . Tak nak kau jadi macam dulu :(

Crying one day because of this thing . . sampai bengkak mata aku .. Bodoh kan aku buad kau macam ni ? i really regret . Even kita still together , i can feel that u will change 1 day .. and i dont want that things happen . Aku tak nak .. Can u forgive all my fault bie ? :(

Someone ask me ' eh , sampai bila nak macam ni ? Kenapa tak bincang je elok2 dengan diaorang ? takkan la nak macam ni sampai bila2 ? ' . Well , gentle i said i scare to express my feeling dekat orang . i scare to make decision cause when i make decision , nobody give me a chance to speak . ' U are 16 .. remember that .. u cant make decision cause u still budak lagi ' .. Shit (!) .. If know i budak , why u all keep push me hah ? Just give me a chance to i prove that i still can live without u all ... Open ur eyes la wey , tak nampak ke yang aku tak suka kau ? Buat apa kau nak simpan aku lagi ?

Kata nak tolong aku ? Tapi mana kau ? aku tunggu kau ni .. Kalau kau tak nak tolong , just cakap . Aku akan cuba cara lain . ..