Sunday, August 15, 2010

PFFTT ==''

Everything will be fine i think ,

Wifey and J semakin ok kot .. hope everything back to normal . No more curang2 ni . Boleh ke derr ? Wifey pun sama . Aku sanggup belikan kau handphone baru sebab nak kau text dengan J . Dah tak nak tengok kauorang gaduh2 . Aku tak boleh tengok wifey aku menangis . Faham tu :)

Dengan Si Bingaii , no masalah dah i think .. Semakin happy , no more hurt feeling . Semuanya sebab dia faham condition aku macam mana . Thanks to you . Takda kau , mungkin sekarang still addicted dengan benda2 haram tu . I cant wait the day we meet nanti . Tak lama je lagi kan bie ?

Masalah sekarang , for ungratefull boy (!) . Kau hurt aku dah banyak kali but aku still diam ..Aku diam sebab aku fikirkan relationship aku dengan BUDAK itu . Kalau aku melawan , aku takkan dapat jumpa dengan dia . Derr , kau yang kejam or me ? Aku dah cuba jadi yang terbaik for you , but you never thanks to me . Sekali pun tak pernah but aku still sabar . Bie cakap ' Bie tahu wife bie kan kuat :) ' . Ye bie , as long u with me , selagi tu aku bertahan . Tak lama je lagi :)

When i got problem , when i cry , when i need shoulder ..pusher terbaik aku datang and calm me . Bila aku nangis non stop , he ask me ' are you ok ? dont worry , just let it go . nangis lah puas2 sebab aku faham ' . Ye babe , thats what i need , your word .. i need someone yang asking me that im ok or not and tell me that he/she understand my condition . Even Bie was not around me when i need shoulder , i know how his feeling when hear my crying :.) ..

P/S : Bby bertahan sebab bie :.)