Wednesday, August 18, 2010

KENA LA =.='

Cerita ,

Yesterday , he bring his handphone to school and yesterday jugak got sportcheck . He was KANTOI bawak handphone . Kena rampas la kan . He call me with J's handphone and tell me that he cant text me and call me . sighh * -.- .. im gonna miss him lah . Merana la wa ..i ask him so how , when can get back the phone . He said tomorrow lah , forced to call his mom go meet teacher and pay RM50 to the teacher . Means sleep alone lah kan ? Nevermind , im waiting you Bie ;)

The night , feel unconformtable because think about him . I cant sleep , rasa macam lain je cause no goodnight wish from him , sleeping kiss from him . Tapi , tetap pejamkan mata jugak . Finally , can sleep . Terjaga at 1am + i think because got weird dream . Mimpi J was come here meet me . In my dream tu , wifey and M at school , J was skipped school and come meet me . Dalam mimpi tu jugak , he call me PENDEK (!) . FTW (!) .. After terjaga , got msg from J .. and i tell him about the dream . Dia gelak .. Shut up la Ah Beng ..i know , im super short ... = =''


Today ,

Rasa macam tak sabar tunggu pukul 3pm . M cakap today he got the phone . Suddenly tengok , msg yang aku hantar semalam dah delivered . Terus je call dia but no answer . That time aku fikir , maybe he at school lagi . But tiba2 , my phone ringing and his name appear ..dengan excitednya aku pick up the phone but a bit shock when dengar suara orang lain . Orang tu cakap dia jumpa the phone tepi sekolah . Dont know siapa punya . He ask me , aku ni siapa . Aku cakap lah aku ni kawan the owner . Then , that guy ni punya la gedik nak kenal la , apa la . Aku try la cakap baik2 sebab dia pegang handphone
laki aku ! aku nak dia pulangkan handphone tu .

After cakap dengan guy ni , aku suruh J call number M . J cakap dia dengar suara M when he call tu . Terkejut jugak , M nak kenakan aku ke ni ? Then aku pakai handphone wifey call M's number . I heard M punya suara terus aku letak phone (!) . Geram je , aku text dia and he call me . Dia cakap tu cikgu dia saja nak kenakan dia . Dia cakap aku CURANG sebab easily layan orang yang tak kenal . WTF -.- .. Tu bukan niat aku tahu . Gila rindu dengar suara dia . haha ..


Sebelum bukak puasa , aku call dia . Tengah elok2 borak , macam biasa la ..Bila hani kebosanan kan

Bie , jom betting nak ?
betting apa ?
kita try tak contact seminggu , no facebook , no myspace , no msg , no call . Siapa tak tahan , dia kalah and kena topup 30ringgit .
Ok , bila ?
Besok lah ..
Kejap lagi ar , pukul 7 .
walao , gila ke . Dah la semalam tak contact . Rindu lah .
Dah lu yang suggest , suka hati wa la nak bila masa . haha .. ok , sekarang pukul berapa ea . Eh , dah pukul 7lebih la . Pukul 7.30 la k .
Lu ni tak sabar sangat kenapa , suka la kan tak dapat contact . Boleh msg perempuan lain.
Eh , lu yang suggest . Entah2 lu yang ada lelaki lain kan ..
Mana ada (!) ..

And bla bla bla ...

Perbualan stop when my credit habis .. That time pukul 7.20 .. Type msg punya la laju .
Dah confirmkan , dah cakap take care semua , iloveyou lah , jangan curang lah . Pukul 7.30pm , my handphone was silent .. no ringing , no incoming msg from him . Terus mati selera nak makan . Lepas minum air buat bukak puasa , aku menangis bila fikir cadangan bodoh aku ni . Dah la rindu dia gila nak mati . After that , tengok gambar dia and sleep ..

Pukul 11pm + , aku bangun dari tidur and check my handphone , got 2msg from my friend . 4misscall from my wifey ..Shit , no msg from him . I miss him lah :( ..
Pukul 12 lebih , aku call dia .. Ye , terpaksa mengalah duhh .. Lelaki lain boleh lah tahan . Ini budak bingaii ni , mana boleh derr (!) .. aku call tapi tak dapat .. My tears easily fall down . Then msg coming and msg tu from him (!) . Gila happy .. aku cakap kat dia yang aku tak boleh tahan . Dia pun macam tu jugak . Dia tunggu aku text dia . Bodoh lah , aku jugak ? Ye lah , siapa suruh gedik pergi suggest bukan2 kan .. Kenala tunaikan janji , topup 30ringgit . Nanti wa topupkan lu oke ? wa pokai lah sekarang . HAHAHA .

P/S : Nama baru ? Mirul oriq ? Kurang aja betul orang yang panggil laki wa monkey -.-