Thursday, July 8, 2010


FOR UNGRATEFULL BOY :Kenapa ? Tak boleh ke kau bagi aku bahagia dalam hidup aku ? Kau tak puas lagi dah buat family aku benci aku ? Tak puas lagi buat aku kehilangan semua orang yang aku sayang? Kau ingat duit boleh beli kebahagiaan ke ? Sumpah aku penat hidup macam ni . Kau dah lupa kau dah buat aku hampir suicide because kau punya selfish ? Kau ingat aku still stay dengan kau means aku dah maafkan kau ke ? Aku cuma nak tuntut janji dari kau .After that , aku akan pergi dari hidup kau (!)Memang , i want to get revenge apa yang kau dah buat kat aku .

For you bie ,

Sayangg , im sory for everything i've done . Macam yang aku pernah cakap kat kau , even if u hate me lepas ni , i dont even care . Because i didnt mean langsung nak buat macam ni . Something was happen to my life and i had to do this . This is the only thing i can do . I promise, benda ni akan berakhir when i got what i want . I'll always love you no matter what happen . Im sorry for everything . i mean it :.(

Thankyou for all things u've done for me . No one can bring me happiness like im with you . I know that im a stupid damn girl that u ever know. im always be cruel with you , hurt your feeling and many more . Im sorry for everything . U know what darl , you wash my wound , you be a doctor when im sick even just a fever , you complete my day , you make me smile before i sleep , you give your respon to my stupid jokes , you treat me like a baby and else. You be my shoulder everytime i needed .How can i forget all that? Tak boleh weyy (!) tak boleh tahu :.(

Thankyou sebab percaya aku , thankyou sebab kau still bersama aku , thankyou sebab maafkan aku , thankyou sebab faham aku . Thankyou for everything . U're really mean to me . Please keep my promise and trust me . Remember what i've told you . Where i can find boy like you ? yang accept aku seadanya , accept situation aku , can make me smile when i sad , always beside me when i need someone . Mana nak carik ? :.( . Its hard to find tahu tak . Just please , dont leave me .

P/S : Im so sorry but i love you .