Friday, July 9, 2010


Kenapa baik sangat ? Terlalu baik .. maaf , aku tak dapat bahagiakan kau . Kau buat aku sampai terfikir nak tinggalkan kau even aku tak nak . I dont deserved people like you in my life . Aku jahat tahu tak ? . I'll bring problem in your life . I dont want u hurt because of me , it makes me more regret cause buat kau macam tu . It makes me feel that kau perlukan someone yang boleh buat kau happy bukan buat kau risau sepanjang masa . Im sorry :.(

Todayy , not in mood to do anything . Pukul 12.27 pm baru DIA tidur . Semalam dia tak tidur cause wait my explanation . Terima kasih cinta :.) .. After he sleep , aku terfikir something . Dia boleh cari yang lagi baik dari aku . Aku tak nak tengok dia sakit hati , i want he happy . Should i leave him ? But , i love him . Urgh , aku bangun dari katil . On Ym tapi takde siapa2 on . Aku dengar lagu kat youtube and suddenly my best listener on . I ask him about that , should i break off with HE ?Dia abit shock i think . Dia cakap ' jangan , M betul2 sayangkan kau ' . Aku cakap lah aku tak nak broke his heart dah and dia ask me to BERUBAH . Jangan tipu M dah , ada apa2 bincang elok2 dengan M .

After chat tu , im thanks to him . Aku back to katil and tidur . Pukul 5.30 pm terjaga because dapat sweet dream sampaikan i can feel when i sleep, i was smile . Thanks cause come in my dream to make me smile :) . Check handfhone , got 2msg and 2missed call from HIM . He say he was worry about me and he miss me . I miss you too tapi i dont know why i cant reply ur msg . I dont want pick up the phone when u call . I stay at katil je , dengar lagu LIES , read his sweetest msg yang sebelum2 ni , see his picture make me crying NON-STOP . Pukul 8.35pm dapat msg dia and 8.38pm he call me but i ignore .

At 9.07 pm , wifey call me and tanya aku ok ke tak . And i just said im ok . Dia cakap M got call her , he was really worry about me . Aku suruh wifey come meet me . She come and try to console me . Im not in mood , sorry sayang :( . I ask her to leave me alone , tanpa banyak soal dia keluar . I know dia faham aku . 10.33pm got 1msg from wifey and tiba2 i was shock (!) . What i've done to him ? Omg , im really sorry .. truely sorry bie :.( .

10.35pm aku call M , mula2 tak cakap banyak . Aku menangis je bila call dia .. Dia tanya why nak mintak break and i explain what i feel . Dia cakap dia ok and dia accept semuanya . Dia tanya lagi serious ke nak break and my crying become more louder . ' tak nak ' thats my answer , how can kitaorang break ? i love him :.( ..After tu kan , im happy sebab before abis cakap dengan dia . we were laughing and kitaorang macam biasa , mengejek masing2 . Thankyou again and i'll never stop to thanks dekat kau cause you always complete my day .

Before sleep , he send 1 msg that make me touched . Im annoying kan ? always nak menangis bagai =='' ..bodoh sungguh aku ni . Ye lah , my tears always yours tahu tak bingaii ? ;.)

P/S : Kalau aku dah benci orang tu , semua yang ada kena mengena dengan dia pun aku akan benci . Sebab aku benci dia setengah nak mati , Fullstop :) .