Sunday, May 8, 2011

HAHA . Seminggu tak post anything kan ? Busy lah . Aku dengan dia punya first anniversary 3/5/11 . Mama punya birthday 5/5/11 and mothers day lagi kan ?

3/5 .. dia yang wish dulu . HAHA . . before that date kitaorang ada gaduh sampai nak clash berbagai . At last , dia cakap dia sengaja nak usik aku . What the ?? ==' . Aku memang dah selalu kena pun dengan dia . Dah biasa dah pun . 4/5 pergi thailand dengan mama and papa ( my stepfather ) . Celebrate birthday kat sana . Pukul 1.30pagi sewa motor , keluar ronda2 . Stay kat sana 3 hari 2 malam . Line phone macam phhfft

Time kat sana , bergaduh sampaikan nak clash lagi ! salah aku jugak . siapa suruh bengong sangat pergi pergi chat mesra2 dengan lelaki lain kan ? niat aku bukan nak menggatal k ? He's just my friend . Apapun , I'm not the type who will let my boyfriend be hang around with any girls . Gentle cakap ni . Kan senang kau mengaku macam ni jugak bie :p

For my lovely bie ,
i love you to death . you are amazing and no one could ever take your place in my heart. you always make me smile no matter what . sometimes you make me mad but i always get over with it and it makes me love you more when you kiss me and tell me im beautiful and that you love me to death . i know that i am a bitch alot but im glad you can put up with me because i never ever want to lose you no matter what . you always make me laugh when i dont want to and make me happy even things aren't going right . you fixed my broken heart and put all of its millions of little pieces back together . Just remember that i love you always and forever no matter what i say or do oke ? Happy 1 year anniversary :)

Foy my lovely mama ,
Happy birthday and happy mother's day :) . i love you no matter what u do and no matter what people said about u . u're the greatest mother in this world and no one can replace u . Please forgive what i've done to u before . Keras kepala , melawan .. hee ~

I love you ” doesn’t really mean that I want you to be mine .
In fact, it’s another way of saying, “ I’m happy to see you happy with
someone else even if it’s killing me.
” So I guess I love you :)

PS ; Mohd Amierul sampai mati