Sunday, August 1, 2010

today im not in mood . Because of bengong terlebey , aku tercakap ni ' sometimes kte kne lpas org yg kte syg sbb nk tgok die happy :( ' and he answer ' ouh , bby da ase kte ptot benti takat ni je ? ' . Aku pun yang bodoh2 alam ni pegi jawab ' mybe. sbb bby nk bie happy je . bby tk nk bie rsau2 pikir pasal bby :( ' then he cakap ' ouh ok . hmm ko jg la dri ea ' . That time i feel like my breath tersekat2 , tergamam . OMG (!) i dont want this thing happen . Seriously tak nak .. tapi kenapa aku boleh cakap macam tu ?

record when i was talking with him . recorded when he say he love me so much . bby still simpan lagi . Dont you know that i love you so much ? :(

Even kitaorang belum officially break dan takkan break pun (!) . Tapi , aku still feel like aku dah kehilangan dia . Aku belum bersedia nak berdepan dengan dia . Lepas dia cakap macam tu , aku macam dah hilang arah . Dia dah mintak maaf for everything , bukan salah dia (!) . Salah aku .. aku buat sampai macam ni :.( ..


P/S : cocaine addicted .sorry bie .. i had to .