Sunday, August 22, 2010


Today ,
Chatting with my beloved cousin and i told her about my problem , my decission . She seems like happy with my decission . She tell me that i should make my own decission for my life . She allow me to stay with her . Thankyou babe , i thought u still angry with me . Air dicincang tidak akan putus right ? ;) . That picture above , memory with her last year . Dont suprised with my face . haha ..

Well , day by day i feel tired . i keep thinking about same problem and the same things . When this thing not gonna stuck in my brain ? I was remember memory with my family , all things that we had together makes me cry . Can u all forgive me ? Shit (!) see , my tears falling with smile :.)

When i feel alone , dizzy with people around me now , he calm me with his stupid joke , with his chill voice , chill laughing . U always at beside me right ? Protect me , make me happy . U promise me already right ? Bie , dont let me down please and thanks for everyday tell me that u're not gonna leave me . I appreciate that bie :)

P/S : I miss my dad .. thanks cousin , thanks boyfriend cause make my day when its not going well