Thursday, July 15, 2010


Some of the best things in life are total mistakes.

Dont know why tempered was come out gila2 . Tapi , yang pelik nya aku takda nak memekik2 maki orang . Im just crying alone and my dad was come out in my head . I miss him . Kalau lah dia sihat , mesti dia takkan biarkan aku nangis kan ? Mesti dia takkan biarkan aku hidup macam ni .I was end my anger with ;
" sedih kan bila orang abaikan kita? " urgh , i just want u to know my feeling when its happened . Why u not accompanied me hurr boyfriend? im hoping more than this for you , but you're not here when i need you .i want someone to talk , can be my shoulder when i sad but u ? just left me like this . Terkapai2 sorang2 . Fine .. i dont need anyone (!) FULLSTOP .

Sometime i want to be like someone ni . Hidup dia full with colourful . Dekat blog dia , selalu write a chill post . It shows bout her life isnt ? Aku pun nak post something kat blog ni dalam keadaan happy , smile sorang2 depan pc when posting , share story yang happy . Tapi , nothing display about happy kan ? What happen to my life ? :.(

Hmm , i hope he was heard what i shout and what im crying for . What my feeling was . I know that u will come in my dream . I love the way u care about me in my dream . I cant wait time to sleep . I want know what my dream would be . I want to meet him . Kita jauh kan bie ? Nak communicate dengan bie pun susah . Nak cerita masalah pun susah . Well , i just want meet u in my dream lah . U was hero in my dream tahu tak ? Keep safe me from nightmare . Kadang , i think and would to say ;
I dont want to wake up from sleep (!) Can i ?

Im gonna be crazy kalau keep like this tahu tak (!) Why someone tak pernah nak faham ar ? Why (!)My life full dengan masalah and takkan pernah selesai masalah ni selagi aku stay kat sini . Just let my blog full dengan semua ni . I dont even care what anyone might say kat aku . I know setiap orang got their own problem ;.)

i know i make u sad ,
sometime i make u angry ,
but u know iloveyousomuch ,
Im sorry cause always hurt you


Tak cukup ke dengan apa yang aku dah buat selama ni ? Macam2 aku dah buat nak protect kau . Tapi kau ? Buat aku macam patung . Kadang2 bila aku tengah cakap dengan kau , kau boleh buat bodoh . Dari dulu aku dengar je cakap kau even sometime i was rude tapi aku still ikut apa yang kau suruh aku buat . Aku ikut je apa yang diaorang cakap . Oh , yang boleh aku cakap sekarang is YOU ALL TERUK (!) .Ada apa2 cari aku , suruh aku . Bila , ada problem maki hamun aku .Esok esok jumpalah aku terbaring dekat tingkat bawah -,-

Too much is never enough, I can't seem to get what I want. I know it's my fault but if we only live once, who's to tell me I'm wrong to want the best for myself? I just want something else.