Sunday, November 28, 2010

Not In Mood

Again , i dont have appetite to eat , not sleep enough because of keep thinking . What i supposed to do now huh ? i though everything will be fine . EVERYTHING , but its going to be more worse than before .

i dont really have a time now . Cannot be not serious anymore . Got 4days more to i change everything in my life . what if i dont have an opportunity to do this ? ye , sangat takut . Scare to lose what i've get .

Hard to find people that really can understand situation that we've to face . Hard to find people that really concerned about problem that we've to fight . Really hard to find people that can accept what we really are and i dont want to lost my precious thing in my life . I dont want to lose people who is always understand my situation , my problem , receive what i are and help me trough my life . Thanks for everything PRECIOUS . u are really meant to me :')

ok guys , please stop asking about my life . Im tired to think and how to explain . After i get a way for my problem , i will tell u all by my self without u ask for it . U dont know how i trough my life alone without anyone give me support . Dont judge me before u really dont know me . Im fed up with people around me . Keep push me to give an answer . If ur question not be related with my life , i can answer it . Just make sure , u mind ur own business . Please stay away from my privacy :')

p/s : doa banyak2 supaya aku tak hilang orang yang aku sayang tu :'(